Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Bon Visage: 20th June

Still in Cannes. Ive been out and about and have probably got gout!

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Les Visages Nouveaus: 13th June

I am in Cannes for 3 weeks. Here are some French faces from my travels around town. Some of these guys live in posh places like the Cannes Noga Hilton. Some of them live on the street like French hobos. There is a broad social divide in this town, but the faces don't let it get them down.

Project for next week: Super-yacht faces!

Thursday, 7 June 2007

New VW Beetle Happy Face Ad - Dare To Be Happy

In this month's Creative Review I noticed the new ad campaign for VW Beetle by Crispin Porter & Bogusky.

This is a good execution of a commonly recognised piece of anthropomorphology. There is nothing or revolutionary new about saying that the VW Beetle has a happy face. Anyone that has seen Herby Goes Bananas knows this! But the comparison of the Beetle face with the faces of 'evil' cars re-enforces the brand values of the Beetle to the demographic which will be likely to buy one.

I doubt any SUV's will release 'Dare to be aggressive' ad campaigns. Although Im sure that their drivers would find that added macho factor very appealing.

Dare to be happy.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

This Weeks Faces: 6th June

More faces that I've seen out and about this week in Farringdon, Brick Lane, Shoreditch and Stoke Newington. My favourite is the hat face.

[sad face]

Boo! I got a rejection letter from the Arts Council today.

Letter from Arts Council

I will continue writing my book. But I feel like this has set me back the 3 weeks it took to write my application.

Next time I'll apply for £250,000 to tour a face based opera!